Netflix Loading Slowly – Causes and Possible Solutions

About Netflix Loading Slowly. Netflix is a popular and highly-rated streaming platform due to its compatibility with phones, PCs, smart TVs, and other devices. 

While you can use it to enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows, sometimes the content may load slowly. 

Whereas most of these buffering problems are due to unstable internet, some have a deep-lying problem. 

In this article, I have compiled some causes and troubleshooting solutions to solve Netflix loading slowly issues for a better streaming experience.

Table of Contents

Why is NetFlix Loading Slowly?

  1. Slow Internet speed: As you may already know, most streaming sites, including Netflix, require a stable Internet connection for uninterrupted streaming. 
  2. Network congestion happens when many people in an area use the same network and happen during peak hours.
  3. Your streaming device problems.
  4. App problems: Sometimes, your Netflix app version may get outdated or run into bugs and errors, causing slow video loading.
  5. Netflix server issues: It may be experiencing congestion or technical issues that can slow loading.
  6. ISP throttling: Like other streaming sites, Netflix uses a lot of data, which is expensive, to stream videos. For this reason, most ISP such as Verizon, AT&T, and CenturyLink deliberately lowers internet speed for streaming sites.
Slow loading representation 

Slow loading representation 

How to Stop Netflix From Being Slow

Now that we have established the possible causes of the Netflix loading slowly issue, let’s see some possible solutions.

Try General Troubleshooting

Before considering advanced solutions, some simple general solutions can do the trick. Here are the basic general solutions to consider:

  • Restart your browser and refresh your Netflix: Sometimes, your Netflix can run into errors, or your browser can get memory congestion. In this instance, you can troubleshoot by refreshing the webpage, and if it doesn’t work, try restarting your browser.
  • Reboot your device: Like your browser, your streaming device may also run out of memory causing slow Netflix loading. A simple restart can restore the memory of both the browser and the device.
  • Test the connection with another device: To determine the problem, consider streaming with another device. Here, you will know if your device or the network has a problem.
  • Refrain from using public WiFi: As you already know, public WiFis are mostly congested, and we said earlier that this lowers bandwidth, hence the buffering.

If the above solutions backfire, it’s time to get more deep.

Resetting router

Resetting router

Test Your Internet Connection

We already established that slow or unreliable internet is the main cause of your Netflix loading slowly. 

Consider checking the following aspects to see if your internet is fast enough for smooth streaming:

Power cycle your internet devices

The power cycle involves continuously powering off and on your router and modem to clear bugs and static charges. 

To do this, abruptly disconnect your device from the power socket. Reconnect it again and disconnect after five seconds. 

Do this thrice and let it idle for 30 seconds before reconnecting and testing if it works.

Check WiFi overcrowding

We also said overcrowded WiFi networks could result in slow connection and, consequently, slow Netflix loading.

 Consider disconnecting other devices from your WiFi and see if the problem disappears. 

I would also recommend using a wired network for streaming since it’s more stable and reliable.

Speed test your internet.

There are numerous free apps and websites you can use to test your connection. 

You just need to search internet speed test on your browser and open one of them.

 If your internet speed is unexplainably low, seek advice or an explanation from your ISP.

Vary VPN servers

If, for any reason, you are using a VPN, consider different servers with the provider to determine the faster one. 

Additionally, consider using a strong premium VPN since Netflix may detect free ones and restrict their site access.

Close Programs Running in the Background

Some internet-dependent programs running in the background can cause bandwidth competition hence the slow connection.

 If they don’t use the internet, they can also eat up your device memory resulting in video buffering. 

Additionally, refrain from uploading or downloading large files such as movies when streaming on Netflix.

 To turn off the background programs on Windows PC, follow the steps below:

  • Place your cursor on your taskbar and right-click it
  • In the resulting window, select Task Manager
  • Then click the ‘Processes’ tab to reveal apps running in the background
  • Identify network-hogging and memory-eating apps such as Skype
  • Right-click any that you are not using and select ’End task.’
  • Now test if your streaming is faster.

Adjust Video Quality on your Netflix account.

Generally, high-quality videos, such as HD, require an extremely stable internet connection for undisrupted viewing. 

The best thing is that Netflix automatically gives you the most appropriate quality based on your network stability and speed. 

However, at times Netflix may fail to guide your devices on the best video quality when your network is constantly unstable.

 In such a scenario, you need to manually set your preferred quality. 

Low or medium quality based on your network speed. Here is how to set the preferred video quality:

  • Log into your Netflix app or browser
  • Visit the Netflix profile, then your account, and My profile
  • While here, select Playback settings and identify the Data usage menu
  • Now choose the most appropriate data usage per screen and continue to save

Clear your Browser Cache

The solution here is to clear your browser cache using the following steps for Windows users:

  • Press a combination of ctrl, shift, and delete keys simultaneously to access cache-clearing functionality
  • If it doesn’t work, press the ctrl and H keys to access history, then select clear browsing data from the left menu.
  • On the resulting window, select clear data at the bottom to delete cache and browsing history
  • You can only untick the browsing data box to clear the cache and cookies.
  • Now restart your browser and test whether this step solved the slow-loading issue.

Choose Wired Connection

As I mentioned, the Wired connection is more stable and reliable regarding internet speed. In contrast, the WiFi connection keeps fluctuating, especially when several devices are using it.

To solve the Netflix slow loading, connect your device to your router using an ethernet cable.

Plugging ethernet cable

Plugging ethernet cable

Switch Off VPN and Network Masks

Since Netflix doesn’t recommend using VPN to access its content, it usually blocks users trying to use VPN. 

Additionally, even though you may still access Netflix streaming using VPN, you may experience buffering due to interrupted ping. 

Since most devices come with preinstalled VPN, you must disable them for smooth streaming.

On the other hand, you may have an IP mask to keep away digital predators but end up slowing your internet. Some Masks may be in your device and others in your router, and you must turn them. To turn the router IP mask, follow the steps below:

  • While connected to your router network, open the browser on your PC
  • Check the bottom side of your router to find its IP address
  • Enter this IP address into your browser’s search bar and enter
  • Once prompted, enter your credentials to enter your router portal
  • Check the security settings or advanced security settings to identify address filters and other masks
  • Disable them, save, exit the portal, and restart the router to see if your Netflix is now loading faster.

Netflix homepage

Update Network Drivers

Drivers facilitate communication between your device and the operating system. Lacking or outdated network drivers can cause your network to misbehave.

 The solution here is to ensure you update your drivers. 

You may do this manually or automatically. To update drivers manually, you just need to visit your PC manufacturer’s website and identify the latest network drivers.

 Ensure they are compatible with your machine and its operating system.

On the other hand, to update drivers automatically, you need to search your operating system drivers download on the internet. 

Once you have identified and installed the right tool, run it on your PC. 

It will identify all the outdated drivers and present a link on the side to update them. Here is where you locate the network drivers and update them.

Contact Your ISP

Have you tried all the above troubleshooting solutions, and they don’t work? 

You have also checked your network speed using online tools and do not get the speed the ISP promised. 

Now it’s time to call your ISP customer service and explain your issue. They restart your network from their side or explain how to resolve the issue.


Now you have all the troubleshooting tips to solve your Netflix lading slowly issue. You can also consider using another network, such as your phone hotspot, temporarily.

 Ensure your devices and their apps are up to date for seamless streaming.